It is often cheaper to make your own custom enclosure for reptiles. Glass aquariums rarely do the job, and custom purchases will cost a ton. To make a cage on a budget will save you hundreds (and in some cases thousands). If you can find a suitable shelf or cabinet by the road (someone else's trash) that makes a great start. Other helpful things include:
GREAT STUFF brand expanding foam
100% silicon (aka aquarium silicon)
Gorilla Glue
Hardware cloth (I usually prefer 1/4")
Acrylic paint
Tree Branches
Indoor/Outdoor carpet
Spray Paint
Bypass glass track and ratchet locks (Rockler)
Glass or plexiglass cut to size (I prefer 1/4" thickness)
Peel-n-stick linoleum
Plastic plants (craft stores carry them for much cheaper than pet stores)
Miter Saw/Jigsaw/Drill and other tools